Yesterday, I received a very interesting email. It was forwarded on to me from a pal who only wrote this, “haha omg!!!! amazing!!”
After reading that exclamation, I then scrolled down a little further in the email, and I saw this:
Whoa. I was shocked. I giggled. I blushed. And, then I thought to myself, “Wow. I honestly, have no idea how this happened! How did I get thrown in this amazing mix?” I pondered for a moment, and then I thought, “Hmm. Who knows? But I’d better WIN!”
(What? Don’t judge. I’m a competitive girl. I can’t help that I have a little spice mixed in with the sugar and everything nice.)
In all honesty - win or lose - I am 100%, genuinely, super duper flattered to have been chosen at all. Thank you to whomever it was out there at Racked Los Angeles who threw me in the mix for the “Hottest Shopkeep” in Los Angeles! I am still blushing.
As for you, dear reader? You better go vote for me. I promise you A.sweeT. reward in return.
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