So, I may be dating myself here - but I remember when cell phones were for emergencies only (My first cell phone was dubbed “The Brick” a la Zach Morris). Laptops were an extreme luxury; and we never even dreamed up the concept of an iPad. What the heck is that?!
Well, fast forward 15 years, and Presto! Magic! We all have phones glued to our heads or hands, we don’t travel anywhere without our laptops - and just in case the phone and laptop aren’t enough, we’ve just gotta have an iPad. Necessity? Or has it become society’s latest fashion accessory?
Well, I have to say, it’s a little bit of both. I personally need ‘em all. And, while using my tech necessities - I’ve made ‘em hot little accessories. Thank you, Jagger Edge. My latest obsession. (Swoon)
In case you aren’t with the program, Jagger Edge makes the most ah-mazing iPhone and iPad cases. My favorites are the floral iPhone case and the fringe iPad Cover. However, they all make a statement without you even having say/type a word. Each case is chic and savvy. Carry one around, and your bare gadgets will go from nerdy to nifty. It’s time, peeps, take your tech necessity and turn it into an accessory. Dialing you in …
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